Request a New Site
To request a new website, contact ITS by completing the Website Request Form.
Request Training
We offer a Quick Start Training and an Advanced Training. Let us know if you are interested in training by filling out this form.
Ideas and Suggestions
As a content manager for one of the many websites within UTIA’s web presence, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions related to the theme, blocks, plug-ins and functionality used or needed on those sites.
Please share your idea or suggestion by completing the Ideas and Suggestion Form and the UTIA Web Oversight Committee will consider it when planning the future of UTIA’s web presence.
Adding and Removing Editors From Your Website
To request a new content manager be added to our WordPress environment and your website or to have a content manager removed and their content reassigned, complete the Change in Content Manager Notification Form.
NOTE: The content manager that creates a page or post in WordPress is considered the author of that page or post. When they leave and before they can be deleted from the site and our WordPress environment, the pages and posts they created need to be reassigned to another content manager.
Request Help with Website Issues or Maintenance
To request help with your website or to report an issue, please complete our Website Help Form and a member of the ITS team will follow up with you.
Project Request Related to Your Website
If your request is for the creation of a form to be used on your website, request support for a current application or to initiate project development, please complete our Project Request Form instead.
Best Practices and Supported Form Tools
Learn about best practices and supported form tools supported by ITS.
Social Media Feeds and Websites
When building a website, one of the questions you might face is how to integrate your social media presence. This page provides guidance on UT Institute of Agriculture website standards and discusses why a simple social media icon is recommended over an integrated feed.