The UTIA Address block is used to insert a department/unit contact information in the site’s footer. It is used in the widget area of the WordPress website. NOTE: The address…
UTIA Address
Quick Shortcut to Add Internal Links
The quick shortcut to add internal links is an enhancement to WordPress 6.0. You can learn more about this on this website, including watching a video of how to utilize…
Info Icon
The info icon allows departments and units to “tell the story” of their homepage featured image. This is optional and will only show up if the widget is populated. Where…
External Links
To provide for a better user experience for our website visitors, an external link icon has been added to all external links that are outside of the or…
Updating Links
To Delete and Replace a Link Navigate to your webpage and click the link text you wish to replace Click the link button to remove the link. Reselect the link…
UTIA Countdown Timer
1 – Where do I start? Click on UTIA Countdown Timer block in the UTIA Blocks 2 – Set Options for UTIA Countdown Timer Enter what you want the title…
Audio Block
Where do I start Audio is a WordPress block used to insert an audio clip on your page. Demonstrations and how to use the block can be found at their…
Google Maps
Where do I start? Google maps is a Kadence block that allows you to add an interactive map to your content. Demonstrations and how to use the block can be…
UTIA Person Block
Our developers have created a new block that you will find in the UTIA Custom Blocks. It is called UTIA Person and it is an easy way for you to…
Featured Image
On Pages A Featured Image is a wide, full browser, picture that appears at the top of a website page immediately below the navigation. The featured image does not show in edit…