Displaying Events on your Site

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UTIA utilizes a centralized Calendar system for handling all Events. This allows events to be easily managed and disseminated across various platforms. A key feature of this platform is the ability to create an embed code to display events on your site specific to your organization.

  1. Create your Event on the UTIA Calendar – Add an Event
  2. Build your embed code with the Calendar Widget Builder
  3. Use the UTIA Calendar Block to display the events on the page.

When selecting the criteria for the embed code, it is important to be specific by choosing only one Department. An important concept to understand is that the query for the embed widget is not a filter and pulls in ALL events for each Department selected.

For example: Selecting UT Extension and UT Extension Anderson County will bring ALL UT Extension events and ALL UT Extension Anderson County events resulting in events that may not be relevant to the county.